Banuba SDK
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cbnb::interfaces::action_unitsFor order of values in action units array see action_units_indices enum
 Cbnb::base_image_tA base class for *_image_t classes
 Cbnb::interfaces::camera_poi_listenerCallback to get center of square bounding the face
 Cbnb::interfaces::depth_mapResults from depth camera
 Cbnb::interfaces::effect_activated_listenerInterface to receive notifications on effect change
 Cbnb::interfaces::effect_activation_completion_listenerCallback interface to receive effect activation notification
 Cbnb::interfaces::effect_event_listenerCallback interface for effect events
 Cbnb::interfaces::effect_info_listenerCallback interface to receive effect info changes
 Cbnb::interfaces::effect_playerThe EffectPlayer class provides ability to play AR effects on set of images or video
 Cbnb::interfaces::effect_player_configurationConfiguration for EffectPlayer
 Cbnb::interfaces::error_listenerInterface to receive errors from EffectPlayer
 Cbnb::interfaces::external_face_dataHolds recognition result from an external source (ARKit, ARCore, etc.)
 Cbnb::interfaces::face_number_listenerCallback to get face number detected
 Cbnb::interfaces::feature_parameterUser configurable parameters for in-CPU calculations during FrameData processing
 Cbnb::interfaces::frame_dataGetters throw exceptions when data are not available android NNs usually output gpu masks
 Cbnb::interfaces::frame_data_listenerCallback to get freshly processed frame_data
 Cbnb::interfaces::frame_duration_listenerCallback interface to receive FPS timings
 Cbnb::interfaces::hint_listenerCallback to receive "hints" (e.g
 Cbnb::identified_class< IdType, T >
 Cbnb::identified_class< event_id_t, effect_event >
 Cbnb::identified_class< event_id_t, empty_event< Count > >
 Cbnb::identified_class< event_id_t, Event >
 Cbnb::identified_class< event_id_t, full_image_t >
 Cbnb::identified_class< event_id_t, simple_event< T, Count > >
 Cbnb::identified_class< event_id_t, T >
 Cbnb::image_formatA structure stores format information about image
 Cbnb::interfaces::image_releaserOnly android interface
 Cbnb::interfaces::input_managerClass to accepts touches from user
 Cbnb::interfaces::js_callbackCallback for JS execution results
 Cbnb::interfaces::license_managerThis class incapsulates information about Client Token
 Cbnb::static_pool_allocator< T, MAX_ELEMENTS >::rebind< U >
 Cbnb::interfaces::reload_resultReturned by effect_manager.reload_config
 Cbnb::singleton< T >Base class for all scoped singletons
 Cbnb::static_pool_allocator< T, MAX_ELEMENTS >Doesn't support N allocs (std::vector)
 Cbnb::interfaces::surface_dataData for creating surface
 Cbnb::interfaces::touchUser touch object
 Cbnb::utilityCreated to be used in applications which uses effect_player as shared library
 Cbnb::yuv_format_tStruture stores all information about yuv format