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Gallery screen

Video Editor SDK includes built in gallery functionality where the user can pick any video or image and use it while making video.


Gallery is integrated by default.


The following guide will help you to integrate gallery to your project if it was not added before.

Add module com.banuba.sdk:ve-gallery-sdk:1.40.0 to gradle file and specify GalleryKoinModule module in VideoEditorModule

startKoin {
+ GalleryKoinModule().module


You can control options Videos and Photos by overriding instance of EditorConfig in VideoEditorModule .

      single {
+ gallerySupportsVideo = ..., // true - show Videos, false - hide. Defaul - true
+ gallerySupportsImage = ..., // true - show Photos, false - hide. Default - true

Video editor allows to replace default gallery with your custom. Please follow implementation guide.
First, create CustomMediaContentProvider class that implements ContentFeatureProvider<List<Uri>, Fragment>. This class describes a contract between Video Editor and specific Fragment from your project for gallery.

class CustomMediaContentProvider : ContentFeatureProvider<List<Uri>, Fragment> {

private var activityResultLauncher: ActivityResultLauncher<Intent>? = null

private val activityResultCallback: (List<Uri>?) -> Unit = {
private var activityResultCallbackInternal: (List<Uri>?) -> Unit = {}

override fun init(hostComponent: WeakReference<Fragment>) {
activityResultLauncher = hostComponent.get()?.registerForActivityResult(

override fun requestContent(
context: Context,
extras: Bundle
): ContentFeatureProvider.Result<List<Uri>> = ContentFeatureProvider.Result.RequestUi(
intent = SelectExternalContentActivity.newGetMediaIntent(context).apply {

override fun handleResult(
hostComponent: WeakReference<Fragment>,
intent: Intent,
block: (List<Uri>?) -> Unit
) {
activityResultCallbackInternal = block

Method init is invoked in Video Editor to register onActivityResult callback and receive media content. com.banuba.sdk.core.domain.ProvideMediaContentContract class is used to manage data bundle that is passed between video editor and your custom media provider implementation.

Method requestContent is used to create Intent for starting your custom Activity with gallery. extras argument contains metadata for media content selection and should be passed into your custom media provider.

handleResult method connects onActivityResult callback within Video Editor with the media content provided by CustomGalleryActivity.

Next, obtain media request params in your CustomGalleryActivity.onCreate()

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
intent.extras?.let { extras ->
val params = ProvideMediaContentContract.obtainParams(extras)

Params object contains data about request from video editor

    data class Params(
val mode: OpenGalleryMode,
val types: List<MediaType>,
val maxCount: Int,
val minCount: Int,
val supportedFormats: List<String>

mode - is a type of request (NORMAL, FEATURE_BACKGROUND, ADD_TO_TRIMMER) types - list of requested media types (Video, Image)
supportedFormats - list of media file extensions that are supported by SDK

Deliver media data from CustomGalleryActivity to Video Editor SDK

val resultIntent = Intent().apply {
setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, resultIntent)

selectedMedia is a list of media Uris with content:// scheme.

Finally, provide CustomMediaContentProvider in VideoEditorModule.kt Koin module.

    factory<ContentFeatureProvider<List<Uri>, Fragment>>(named("mediaDataProvider"), override = true) { (external: Boolean?) ->

and remove module GalleryKoinModule from the list of modules.

   startKoin {

- GalleryKoinModule().module,