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These are the answers to the most common questions asked about our SDK.

I want to start VideoEditor with a preselected audio track

To open Video Editor SDK you should create an intent by utilizing any avilable function inside VideoCreationActivity: startFromCamera(), startFromTrimmer() or startFromEditor(). All these functions have an argument called audioTrackData where you should pass preselected audio track or null (by default). For example, to open an SDK from the camera screen with the track use the code snippet below:

context = applicationContext,
audioTrackData = preselectedTrackData

audioTrackData is an object of TrackData class

data class TrackData(
val id: UUID,
val title: String,
val localUri: Uri,
val artist: String? = null

How to add other text fonts that are used in the editor screen

To add other text fonts that are used in the editor screen follow the next steps:

  1. Add font files to the app/src/main/res/font/ directory;

  2. Add fonts names to the strings.xml resource file:

<string name="font_1_title" translatable="false">Font 1 Title</string>
<string name="font_N_title" translatable="false">Font N Title</string>
  1. Add font_resources.xml with fonts array declaration to the app/src/main/res/values/ directory. The format of font_resources.xml should be the next one:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<array name="font_resources">
<item>@array/font_1_resource</item> <!-- link to the font description array -->

<array name="font_1_resource">
<item>@string/font_1_title</item> <!-- font name -->
<item>@font/font_1</item> <!-- link to the font file -->

<array name="font_N_resource">
  1. The final step is to pass your custom font_resources id to the MainTextOnVideoTypefaceProvider in the SampleIntegrationKoinModule to override the default implementation:

    single<TextOnVideoTypefaceProvider> {
    context = get(),
    fontsArrayResId = R.array.font_resources

Optimizing app size

The easiest way to gain immediate app size savings when publishing to Google Play is by uploading your app as an Android App Bundle, which is a new upload format that includes all your app’s compiled code and resources. Google Play’s new app serving model then uses your app bundle to generate and serve optimized APKs for each user’s device configuration, so they download only the code and resources they need to run your app.

As a result, the final size of our library for one of the platform types (armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64) will be 24-26 MB less than indicated in the documentation

How do I change the language (how do I add new locale support)?

There is no special language switching mechanism in the Video Editor SDK.

Out of the box, the VE SDK supports English locale. If you need to support any other locales, you can do it according to the standard Android way. See how Create locale directories and resource files for more details. After adding a new locale resource file into your application with integrated VE SDK, you need to re-define the VE SDK strings keys with new locale string values. To do that you need to add all needed string keys in the new locale strings.xml file. The newly added locale will be applied after the device language is changed by system settings.

If you need to change language programmatically in your application, see the next links how it can be done: one, two

How do I use the Video Editor several times from different entry points?

Before you want to use VideoEditor again, you need to release Video Editor SDK:

private fun releaseVideoEditor() {
videoEditor = null

private fun releaseUtilityManager() {
val utilityManager = try {
} catch (e: InstanceCreationException) {
Log.w(TAG, "EditorUtilityManager was not initialized!", e)


EditorUtilityManager is NULL when the token is expired or revoked.

I want to change icons and name for effects.

Effect customization is implemented by android resources with well-defined names which follow a strict scheme.

CustomizationResource typeResource name templateExample
Titlestringvisual_effect_{id}, time_effect_{id}visual_effect_flash
Icondrawableic_visual_effect_{id}, ic_time_effect_{id}ic_time_effect_rapid
Colorcolorvisual_effect_color_{id}, time_effect_color_{id}visual_effect_color_vhs

To change appearance o the effect, you should place any android resources named according to the scheme presented above into res folder of your app. The resource depends on the item you want to customize (string for the title, drawable for the icon, color for the color on the timeline).

Effects identifiers are presented in the table below:

EffectTypeString identifierDefault icon
Glitch 2visualglitch2
Glitch 3visualglitch3
Heat mapvisualheat_map
DSLR Kaleidoscopevisualdslr_kaleidoscope
Pixel dynamicvisualpixel_dynamic
Pixel staticvisualpixel_static
Transition 1visualtransition1
Transition 2visualtransition2
Transition 3visualtransition3
Transition 4visualtransition4
TV Foamvisualtv_foam
DV Camvisualdv_cam
VHS 2visualvhs2
Zoom 2visualzoom2
Slow motimeslow_motion

For example, to change the title of Flash visual effect to SuperFlash add it in strings.xml in your app.

<string name="visual_effect_flash">SuperFlash</string>

You can change the color on the timeline for any visual effect. For example, for VHS you should add color resource with the name visual_effect_color_vhs into colors.xml file in your app.

I want to change the order of masks, video effects or filters.

The SDK allows to reorder masks and filters in the way you need. To achieve this, create a class CustomColorFilterOrderProvider and implement OrderProvider:

class CustomColorFilterOrderProvider : OrderProvider {
override fun provide() = listOf(

These are names of specific color filters located in assets/bnb-resources/luts.

Next, use CustomColorFilterOrderProvider in VideoEditorModule

single<OrderProvider>(named("colorFilterOrderProvider")) {

Is it possible to disable the transition effects?

Transitions are visual effects applying to the segue between two videos. They are provided with the Banuba Video Editor SDK by default.

To disable or enable transitions, set the supportsTransitions flag in the EditorConfig class to false or true respectively:

single <EditorConfig>{
EditorConfig(supportsTransitions = false)

Transition effects are not being played if the closest video (either to the left or to the right of the transition icon) is very short.

How can I convert one or several still images to a video programmatically?

If you would like to create a video from the images instances without opening the Video Editor, you can use the methods from the Utils object in the GitHub Sample.

How to change the style appearance of the SDK?

Extend VideoCreationTheme style to customize Video Editor appearance for your app.

<style name="CustomIntegrationAppTheme" parent="VideoCreationTheme">

Specify your style in AndroidManifest.xml file for VideoCreationActivity.

tools:replace="android:theme" />

GitHub example

Is it possible to disable the Trim screen?

It is possible to turn off the trimmer screen after the camera screen.

The trimmer screen will still be accessible after importing media files from the gallery.

To disable it, just change the supportsTrimRecordedVideo property to false in the EditorConfig:

single <EditorConfig>{
EditorConfig(supportsTrimRecordedVideo = false)

How to change the video scaling on the editor screen?

Yon can change video scaling on the editor screen while playback by providing PlayerScaleType VideoEditorModule. To ensure that the video will be fully shown - use CENTER_INSIDE (keep in mind that if device and video resolutions are different black lines will appear), to fill the screen - use FIT_SCREEN_HEIGHT (it fills the screen only if video has aspect ratio 9:16)

factory<PlayerScaleType>(named("editorVideoScaleType"), override = true) {

The default value is PlayerScaleType.FIT_SCREEN_HEIGHT.

FFmpeg build issue

Below are the steps to resolve the issue while building the project.

  1. Add the android.bundle.enableUncompressedNativeLibs=false in the
  1. Add android:extractNativeLibs="true" in AndroidManifest.xml file

How to integrate custom FFmpeg dependency.

Check out step-by-step guide to integrate custom FFmpeg dependency.