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Use of FFmpeg

Banuba Video Editor SDK uses FFmpeg version 5.1.3


It is highly required to use the same version of your custom FFmpeg dependency to keep VE SDK stable. Your dependency must include mp3blame library.

Guidelines to integrate custom FFmpeg dependency in your app:

Step 1

Remove Banuba FFmpeg dependency from gradle file.

implementation "com.banuba.sdk:ffmpeg:5.1.3"

Step 2

Add your custom FFmpeg dependency in app/build.gradle. For example:

implementation 'com.arthenica:ffmpeg-kit-full:X.Y.Z.LTS'

Step 3

Add the following code in your Activity to check whether everything is correct: = this).execute(emptyArray()).run {
Log.d("FFmpeg", errorStream.reader().readText())

The output should contain information about version of FFmpeg libraries

Please check out PR sample that shows how to integrate custom version.