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Gallery screen

The Video Editor SDK includes the built-in gallery functionality where the user can pick any video or image and use it while making a video.


The Gallery screen is integrated by default.


The gallery is used in the app when you want to select a photo or video stored on your phone. Implement GalleryConfiguration and set it to VideoEditorConfig.combinedGalleryConfiguration to customize the gallery screen.
To setup the visible tabs for the gallery, just configure it in the CombinedGalleryConfiguration entity:

var config = VideoEditorConfig()

config.combinedGalleryConfiguration.visibleTabsInGallery = [.video, .photo]

Please, follow these steps to integrate your gallery into the SDK:

Step 1

Implement custom UIViewController inherited from GalleryViewController:

@objc open class GalleryViewController: UIViewController {
open weak var delegate: GalleryViewControllerDelegate?
open var configuration: GalleryConfiguration?
open var selectionBehaviour: GallerySelectionBehaviour?
/// Setups new album at gallery
open func useAlbum(_ albumModel: AlbumModel) {}
/// Cancel current export
open func cancelExport() {}
/// Retry export failed items
open func retryExport() {}
  • delegate- use this property to notify the Video Editor SDK about the user's actions in the custom gallery.

    Below there is a list of possible actions:

    // MARK: - GalleryViewControllerDelegate
    @objc public protocol GalleryViewControllerDelegate: AnyObject {
    /// Tells delegate object about starting asynchronous operations at the gallery.
    /// BanubaVideoEditorSDK showing full-screen spinner by this event. It can help to prevent unnecessary actions from a user.
    func galleryViewController(_ controller: GalleryViewController, didStartExportWith progressHandler: ProgressHandler)
    /// Tells delegate object about finishing asynchronous operations at the gallery
    func galleryViewController(_ controller: GalleryViewController, didEndExportWith error: Error?, hideProgressViewCompletion: @escaping () -> Void)
    /// Tells delegate object about the closing gallery.
    func galleryViewControllerDidClose(_ controller: GalleryViewController)
    /// Tells delegate object about completion picking gallery items.
    func galleryViewControllerDone(
    _ controller: GalleryViewController,
    withGalleryItems items: [GalleryItem]
    /// Tells delegate object that he should present message.
    /// In BanubaVideoEditorSDK it presents popup message.
    func galleryViewController(
    _ controller: GalleryViewController,
    presentMessage message: String
  • configuration - contains the UI configuration. All the details you can find here;

  • selectionBehaviour - contains the gallery settings.

    /// Setups gallery selection behaviour
    @objc public class GallerySelectionBehaviour: NSObject {
    /// Maximum possible selected gallery items quantity which can select a user.
    public let maximumSelectedCount: Int
    /// Setups already selected items quantity if gallery open as a picker at trimmer sceen or other cases.
    /// Use this field to control maximum selection items.
    public let selectedItemsCount: Int?
    /// Setups picker mode if isMultiselectModeEnabled is false.
    /// Otherwise, multiselection mode enabled.
    public let isMultiselectModeEnabled: Bool
    /// Setups gallery video duration fetched from user gallery supported by BanubaVideoEditorSDK.
    /// By default is 3.0
    public let minimumGalleryVideoDuration: TimeInterval
    /// Setups allowed media types which user can select in gallery
    public let allowedMediaTypes: [GalleryMediaType]

    @objc public enum GalleryMediaType: Int, CaseIterable {
    case video
    case photo

GalleryItem is a protocol to which your items should conform in order to pass the gallery selection result to BanubaVideoEditorSDK:

@objc public protocol GalleryItem: NSObjectProtocol {
/// Video representation url asset
var urlAsset: AVURLAsset? { get }
/// Preview for gallery item
var preview: UIImage? { get set }
/// GalleryItem duration
var duration: TimeInterval { get }
/// Type can be video, photo or unknown
var type: GalleryItemType { get }

/// Requests preview for displaying in gallery list
func requestPreview(
size: CGSize,
handler: @escaping (UIImage?) -> Void
/// Requests photo with desired size
func requestPhoto(
size: CGSize,
progressHandler: ((Double) -> (Bool))?,
handler: @escaping (UIImage?, Error?) -> Void
/// Requests video url asset
func requestAVURLAsset(
progressHandler:((Double) -> (Bool))?,
handler: @escaping (AVURLAsset?, Error?) -> Void
/// Requests video player item
func requestAVPlayerItem(
progressHandler: ((Double) -> (Bool))?,
handler: @escaping (AVPlayerItem?, Error?) -> Void

Step 2

Implement custom UIViewController inherited from AlbumsViewController:

@objc open class AlbumsViewController: UIViewController {
open weak var delegate: AlbumsViewControllerDelegate?
open var configuration: AlbumsConfiguration?
open var selectedAlbum: AlbumModel?
  • delegate - notifies BanubaVideoEditorSDK about actions that happen in Albums. These are the possible actions:
@objc public protocol AlbumsViewControllerDelegate: AnyObject {
/// Tells delegate object about selection the new album
func albumsViewController(_ controller: AlbumsViewController, didSelect album: AlbumModel)
// Tells delegate object about close action
func albumsViewControllerDidClose(_ controller: AlbumsViewController)
  • configuration - a simple configuration with the TextButtonConfiguration and BackButtonConfiguration configurations;
  • selectedAlbum - an entity which contains information about the currently selected album:
@objc public protocol AlbumModel {
/// Album name
var name: String? { get set }
/// Album preview
var preview: UIImage? { get set }
/// Assosiated asset collection with album
var assetCollection: PHAssetCollection { get }

Step 3

Provide your custom gallery to BanubaVideoEditorSDK. Please, follow these steps:

  • create your own viewControllerFactory that conforms to GalleryViewControllerFactory:
@objc public protocol GalleryViewControllerFactory: NSObjectProtocol {
/// Creates GalleryViewController
func makeGalleryViewController(
withConfiguration configuration: GalleryConfiguration,
selectionBehaviour: GallerySelectionBehaviour
) -> GalleryViewController

class MyGalleryViewControllerFactory: NSObject, GalleryViewControllerFactory {
func makeGalleryViewController(
withConfiguration configuration: BanubaUtilities.GalleryConfiguration,
albumsConfiguration: BanubaUtilities.AlbumsConfiguration,
selectionBehaviour: BanubaUtilities.GallerySelectionBehaviour
) -> BanubaUtilities.GalleryViewController {
let controller = UIStoryboard(
name: String(describing: UIViewController.self),
bundle: Bundle(for: UIViewController.self)
).instantiateInitialViewController() as! UIViewController
return controller
  • paste your factory to the BanubaVideoEditor init:
/// Example video editor view controller factory
class ViewControllerFactory: ExternalViewControllerFactory {
var musicEditorFactory: MusicEditorExternalViewControllerFactory?
var countdownTimerViewFactory: CountdownTimerViewFactory?
var exposureViewFactory: AnimatableViewFactory?

//MARK: - ExternalViewControllerFactory protocols variale
var galleryViewControllerFactory: GalleryViewControllerFactory?
let viewControllerFactory = ViewControllerFactory()
// Paste your custom factory to externalViewControllerFactory
viewControllerFactory.galleryViewControllerFactory = MyGalleryViewControllersFactory()

videoEditorSDK = BanubaVideoEditor(
token: token,
configuration: config,
externalViewControllerFactory: viewControllerFactory