Drafts guide
Drafts are enabled by default, asks the user to save a draft before leave any VideoEditor screen. If you need to change drafts configuration you should add the code below in the VideoEditorModule:
var config = VideoEditorConfig()
config.featureConfiguration.draftsConfig = .enabled
You can choose one of these options:
- drafts enabled, asks the user to save a draft.enabledSaveToDraftsByDefault
- drafts enabled, saved by default without asking the user.enabledAskIfSaveNotExport
- drafts enabled, asks the user to save a draft without export.disabled
- disabled drafts
The default value is .enabled
Draft Service
The DraftsService
class is used for managing drafts:
/// External Draft of video session
typealias ExternalDraft = VideoSequence
/// Allows you to manage drafts
class DraftsService {
/// Get drafted video sequences
func getDrafts() -> [ExternalDraft]
/// Remove specific video sequence
/// - parameters:
/// - externalDraft: Drafted video sequence
func removeExternalDraft(_ externalDraft: ExternalDraft) -> Bool
/// Get preview for specific drafted video sequence
/// - parameters:
/// - externalDraft: Drafted video sequence
/// - thumbnailHeight: Preview height
/// - completion: Completion when preview UIImage generated
func getPreviewForVideoSequence(
_ externalDraft: ExternalDraft,
thumbnailHeight: CGFloat,
completion: ((_ preview: UIImage?) -> Void)?
To get the instance of DraftsService
use the BanubaVideoEditor
Example of usage:
let videoEditorSDK = BanubaVideoEditor(...) // Initialization of main entity
let drafts = videoEditorSDK?.draftsService.getDrafts() // Get drafts list
let draft = drafts.first!
// Get draft preview
// Choosen draft from list of drafts
// Default config, where config is VideoEditorConfig instance
thumbnailHeight: config.videoResolutionConfiguration.currentThumbnailHeight,
completion: { preview in
// Preview usage
// Remove draft and use returned value to your own condition usage if needed
let _ = videoEditorSDK?.draftsService.removeVideoSequence(videoSequence)
// Open Video Editor with preselected draft
let draftedConfig = VideoEditorLaunchConfig.DraftedLaunchConfig(
// Choosen draft from list of drafts
externalDraft: draft,
// Any case from DraftsFeatureConfig entity
draftsConfig: .enabled
let config = VideoEditorLaunchConfig(
entryPoint: .editor,
hostController: self,
draftedLaunchConfig: draftedConfig,
animated: true
// Present Video Editor
withLaunchConfiguration: config,
completion: nil
Transferring drafts
BanubaVideoEditor supports archiving drafts into a zip file. It may help you with backing up user data to the server or sharing video content across the devices.
For exporting and importing BanubaVideoEditor
has the following methods:
/// Archive and compress external draft into zip file.
/// Returns URL to archive
/// Discussion: After performing all actions with zip file your are responsible to remove archive file.
func exportExternalDraft(_ externalDraft: ExternalDraft) throws -> URL
/// Unarchive ExternalDraft from zip file
func importExternalDraft(fromZipUrl url: URL) throws -> ExternalDraft
Example of usage:
let videoEditorSDK = BanubaVideoEditor(...) // Initialization of main entity
let drafts = videoEditorSDK?.draftsService.getDrafts() // Get drafts list
let draft = drafts.first!
// Make archive from draft
let archiveURL = try? videoEditorSDK?.exportExternalDraft(draft)
// Import draft from archive
let importedDraft = try! videoEditorSDK?.importExternalDraft(fromZipUrl: archiveURL)
// Open Video Editor with unarchived draft
let draftedConfig = VideoEditorLaunchConfig.DraftedLaunchConfig(
externalDraft: importedDraft,
draftsConfig: .enabled
let config = VideoEditorLaunchConfig(
entryPoint: .editor,
hostController: self,
draftedLaunchConfig: draftedConfig,
animated: true
withLaunchConfiguration: config,
completion: nil