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Banuba Face AR SDK for Unity

Unity Face AR SDK allows developers to create cross-platform face tracking apps with custom AR effects in Unity3D.

Banuba Face AR SDK for Unity is a native library compiled for the following platforms:

  • Windows
  • MacOS
  • iOS
  • Android


  • Latest Unity Hub with latest installed Unity Editor LTS. Minimum Unity Editor Version: 2019.3.13f1
  • Installed Unity platform plugins for each required platform: Android, iOS or Desktop
  • Windows: Before launching Unity you should check presence of the following tools in Microsoft VS2019:




Before you commit to a license, you are free to test all the features of the SDK for free. To start it, send us a message.
We will get back to you with the trial token. You can store the token within the app.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

How To Import To Your Project

  1. Download the latest assets package BanubaSDK-import.unitypackage and import it using Unity Package Manager.
  2. Put your Client Token to the Assets/Resources/BanubaClientToken.txt
  3. Find Demo Scene, open and click run! 🎉 🚀 💅