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Migration Guides

To version 1.17.0

RenderBackendType(render_backend_type) was moved to types package. So, now for:


Change com.banuba.sdk.scene.RenderBackendType to com.banuba.sdk.types.RenderBackendType.


Change #include <bnb/scene/interfaces/render_backend_type.hpp> to #include <bnb/types/interfaces/render_backend_type.hpp>

To version 1.9.0

BanubaSDK introduces the Player API for iOS and Android, which implements the most popular use cases and is highly customizable. We continue to support the old API, but starting from this version it is marked as deprecated. The main changes are described below.

iOS & Android

  • The class BanubaSdkManager deprecated now. Static methods for initialization/deinitialization of the Banuba SDK with the client token and resources path still work. But we are suggest to switch to BNBUtilityManager for the SDK initialization instead.
  • The class Player introduced as a replacement for the BanubaSdkManager. Now it is the only way to process frames from the Input, manage effect playback and present them to the Output.
  • The protocol Input with basic use cases implementations: Camera, Photo, Stream; provides frames to the Player for further processing and rendering.
  • The protocol Output implements endpoint of the presentation surface, which may be View, PixelBuffer, Video, or any other surface, implemented by own. You can have several outputs in use at a time!
  • All the three main protocols can be connected between each other through the player.use(input, outputs) method call.

More details about new Player API you can find in our github examples.

To version 1.5.0


  • Starting from this version, Banuba WebAR is delivered as an @banuba/webar npm package. It also brings the ability to try out the Banuba WebAR SDK from a CDN of your choosing, please, see the CDN section of the @banuba/webar npm package.

  • From now on, the Player does not include any AR feature-modules like FaceTracker, Background, Hair, or Lips by default. These modules should be connected separately:

    const frx = new Module("")
    const bg = new Module("")

    await player.addModule(frx, bg)

    See the Player.addModule() reference for details. See the Module reference for the list of available modules.

    This change reduced the size of from 31Mb+ to a little more then 100Kb and now allows to load only the AR modules required by the application.

iOS & Android

  • The enum (BNB)NnMode was removed. The Banuba SDK now sets this automatically.
  • The enum (BNB)FaceSearchMode was removed. The Banuba SDK now sets this automatically.
  • EffectPlayerConfiguration doesn't have constructor with renderMode anymore. Use constructor without parameters instead.
  • EffectPlayerConfiguration doesn't contain auxiliary class Default with default values anymore.
  • Now the EffectPlayerConfiguration does not have a constructor. To create an instance of this class, use the static create method.
  • Now the EffectPlayer doesn't have static methods versionMajor() and versionMinor(). The functionality was removed because it was not used.
  • Now the EffectPlayer doesn't have methods setRenderTransform() and recognizerProcessFromBuffer(). The functionality was removed because it was not used.
  • Now the EffectPlayer doesn't have methods isDeviceNnCompatible() and setFaceSearchMode(). Due to the fact that all operations with neural networks the Banuba SDK automatically accepts.
  • CameraSessionType contains only FrontCameraSession and BackCameraSession values now.


  • The enum nn_mode was removed. The Banuba SDK now sets this automatically.
  • The enum face_search_mode was removed. The Banuba SDK now sets this automatically.
  • Now the effect_player_configuration is not a struct. To create an instance of this class, use the static create method.
  • Now the effect_player doesn't have static methods version_major() and version_minor(). The functionality was removed because it was not used.
  • Now the effect_player doesn't have methods set_render_transform() and recognizer_process_from_buffer(). The functionality was removed because it was not used.
  • Now the effect_player doesn't have methods is_device_nn_compatible() and set_face_search_mode(). Due to the fact that all operations with neural networks the Banuba SDK automatically accepts.

To version 1.0.x

Starting from version 1.0.x and higher, we provide a new rendering engine. Effects from the previous version will not work. Please, contact Banuba to convert your effect for the new engine.


  • BanubaSdkMnager.setRenderTarget now accepts EffectPlayerView(for on-screen rendering) or CAMetalLayer (for off-screen rendering) instead of CAEAGLLayer.
  • EffectPlayerView.effectPlayer property was made private, don't use it anymore.