

enum BNBConsistencyMode : NSInteger {}


enum BNBConsistencyMode : Int, @unchecked Sendable

These modes describe the relationship between processing loop and render loop frames

Synchronous - Asynchronous:

- Synchronous means to output (render) a frame only once after a new frame was fully processed
- Asynchronous may render multiple (not waiting for frx), further divided into Consistent and Inconsistent sub-modes. (note: Synchronous mode by definition is always Consistent.)

Consistent - Inconsistent:

- Consistent renders the processed frames as-is, the only change being in the advancement of time (e.g. animations, videos), while
- Inconsistent changes the camera image for that frame to the latest available (not yet processed), resulting in smoother rendering in case frx is slow or unsteady.

“Smart” modes:

There are modes with the “when effect loaded” suffix. These modes behave exactly the same as corresponding modes without such suffix, but only with one difference - they are activated only when the effect was completely loaded.
These modes can be used to avoid image freeze during effect activation.