errors when trying to build xCode project#
The reason for the error is the missing CoreML framework in platform settings. After xCode project this option may be turned off in some Unity version. Steps to fix the issue:
- Select
plugin in Unity assets. - Make sure the following frameworks are enabled:
- Framework dependencies โ AdSupport
- Rarely used frameworks โ Accelerate
- Rarely used frameworks โ CoreML
The app's Info.plist must contain an To fix NSCameraUsageDescription
exception, add this key to your app Info.plist.
Failed to load 'Assets/Plugins/Win/BNBRecognizer.dll' because one or more of its dependencies could not be loaded.The reason for the error is the missing Visual Studio 2019 Redistributables package in the OS. To fix this error, download and install vc_redist package for your Windows (x64 or x86) from the Microsoft website
does not contain bitcode.#
To fix this issue open Unity-iPhone
target โ Build Settings
, find and disable Enable Bitcode
Not found architecture for The reason of this issue is the attempt to build the app with incorrect architecture (i.e. armv7).
BNBRecognizer.a requires only arm64 architecture. Make sure that it was set up here:
and NullReferenceExeption
on Windows#
To fix these errors you should install the following tools on Microsoft VS 2019:
Unity-iPhone has conflict provisioning settingsOpen Build Settings tab
Find Signing section and multiple values: ReleaseForRunning, Any iOS SDK
Change the parameters to iOS Developer