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Migration Guides

To version 1.0.x#

Starting from version 1.0.x and higher, we provide a new rendering engine. Effects from the previous version will not work. Please, contact Banuba to convert your effect for the new engine.


  • BanubaSdkMnager.setRenderTarget now accepts EffectPlayerView instead of raw CAEAGLLayer.

To version 0.30.x#

One of the goals of this release was to separate the logic of working with effects. Methods of EffectPlayer that were moved to the new EffectManager and Effect classes:

  • add_error_listener was moved to the EffectManager
  • remove_error_listener was moved to the EffectManager
  • add_hint_listener was moved to the EffectManager
  • remove_hint_listener was moved to the EffectManager
  • add_effect_event_listener was moved to the EffectManager
  • remove_effect_event_listener was moved to the EffectManager
  • set_effect_size was moved to the EffectManager
  • load_effect was moved to the EffectManager
  • unload_effect was moved to the EffectManager
  • force_effect_reload was removed
  • get_effect_status was removed
  • call_js_method was moved to the Effect


  • BanubaSdkManager.setDrawSize was removed

To version 0.29.x#


A new manualAudio parameter was added to BNBEffectPlayerConfiguration. Set it to true if you wish to create the audio session manually. Otherwise use false.


A new manualAudio parameter was added to EffectPlayerConfiguration. Set it to true if you wish to create the audio session manually. Otherwise use false.

To version 0.27.x#


We've made BanubaSdk.framework (written in Swift) callable from Objective-C just adding @objc attribute to each public function and making classes extend from NSObject. In most cases you need nothing to do with your code, but good to mention this change.

To version 0.21.x#

One of the goals of this release was to get rid of singletons both for BanubaSdkManager and EffectPlayer. Now you can create multiple instances of the classes (however, resources aren't shared yet).


  • BanubaSdkManager.createInstance, BanubaSdkManager.getInstance and BanubaSdkManager.destroyInstance were removed. Instead intialize SDK with call to BanubaSdkManager.initialize and create an instanse of BanubaSdkManager.

  • effectsResourcesPaths argument was removed from BanubaSdkManager construction. Use second argument of BanubaSdkManager.initialize instead.

  • Whenever you need BanubaSdkManager, just create a class field to access it.

  • BanubaSdkTouchListener requires EffectPlayer as an argument in constructor.

  • Refer MainActivity as an example.


  • The instance property was removed in BanubaSdkManager. Instead intialize SDK with call to BanubaSdkManager.initialize, next create and hold a reference to BanubaSdkManager in a view controller or an application.

  • voiceChanger, outputService are optional now (to reflect the state of BanubaSdkManager while BNBEffectPlayer isn't created). Correct nullabity access to these properties.

  • Pass a reference to BNBEffectPlayer in EffectPlayerView.

  • Refer ViewController as an example.

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