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Unity Demo Scene

Since 1.4.0 Banuba SDK provides a new Demo Scene for our Unity plugin.

New Demo scene allows using multiple face filters with carousel like in our native Demo application. To launch this Demo scene on your device follow the steps bellow:

  1. In the project files tree find and open BanubaSDKDemo.unity which is located under Assets -> BanubaFaceAR -> BaseAssets -> Demo


  1. To add effects find EffectsManager object in Hierarchy and populate Effects list in Inspector with desired effects prefabs that you can find inside folders under Assets -> BanubaFaceAR -> Effects. At start the list will already be fullfilled with all available effects.


  1. Select LoaderScene and BanubaSDKDemo scenes in File -> Build Settings and make sure their indexes are 0 and 1 respectively. Then launch it on the needed platform as usual.

That’s how a properly configured scene should look like.
