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iOS Packages

CocoaPods packages

Banuba SDK provides CocoaPods' pods in a custom repository. It is assumed that you are familiar with CocoaPods usage, if you are not, please read the "Using CocoaPods" guide.


See the example of how to use specific feature with modules in our Tutorials.

To start using Banuba SDK from CocoaPods repo, just add a custom source to your Podfile:

source ''

Than add Banuba SDK dependencies to your target:

target 'quickstart-ios-swift' do

pod 'BanubaSdk', '~> 1.4'

You have two options here: just add "BanubaSdk" metamodule or include only the specific packages. The example above shows metamodule usage. See CocoaPods repo for the list of all available modules and versions.

In case of specifying only the required modules as project dependencies it is your responsibility to include everything required for desired effect. Please keep in mind that there are several "must have" modules: BNBSdkCore, BNBEffectPlayer, BNBScripting. These modules must be added every time, anything else is feature-specific and depends on your needs.

Also use only modules with the same version, modules with different versions (even minor) may conflict or just work incorrectly with each other.

Complete example configured for CocoaPods usage can be found in our Objective-C and Swift quickstart examples.

SPM packages

Banuba SDK provides SPM (Swift Package Manager) packages in a custom repositories. Before using SPM, please read the "Using SPM" guide.


See the example of how to use specific feature with modules in our Tutorials.

To start using Banuba SDK from SPM repo, add the next GitHub’s link: on the to your project:

  1. Go to your project settings in XCode, select Swift Packages tab.
  2. Click on + icon and enter the next GitHub’s link: .
  3. Click on Add Package button. After verifying the package, press button Add Package again.

See all the SPM packages for the list of all available modules and versions.

In case of specifying only the required packages as project dependencies it is your responsibility to include everything required for desired effect. Please keep in mind that there are several "must have" packages: BNBSdkCore, BNBEffectPlayer, BNBScripting. These packages must be added every time, anything else is feature-specific and depends on your needs.

Also use only packages with the same version, packages with different versions (even minor) may conflict or just work incorrectly with each other.

Complete example configured for SPM usage can be found in our Beauty-iOS quickstart example.