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CocoaPods packages

To start using Banuba SDK with CocoaPods, add a custom repository and desired packages to your Podfile:


Then install pods:

pod install --repo-update

See banuba-sdk-podspecs repo for the list of all available packages and versions.

The complete example, configured for CocoaPods usage, can be found in our Objective-C quickstart example.

How to choose required packages


Only use the packages with the same version! Packages with different versions (even minor) may conflict or work incorrectly with each other.


If feature or effect works incorrect, see application logs, to figure out which package is missed.

Add packages depends on the specific features or effects, which your app will use. It is your responsibility to include everything required for the desired behaviour.
See detailed packages description in the table below.

Example of the packages set for Face Tracking and Background Separation:

  • BNBSdkApi
  • BNBFaceTracker
  • BNBBackground

See detailed packages description in the table below.

List of all available packages

Package nameDescription
BNBSdkApiplatform-specific API, like Player, Input, Output, etc
BNBSdkCoreprovides the functionality of the native EffectPlayer.
BNBEffectPlayercontains the necessary shaders, used by sdk_core package and provides the following features: math utilities, texture utilities, morphing, beautification, etc.
BNBScriptingincludes the basic functionality used by the effect api, see Effects.
BNBFaceTrackerpackage consists of neural network models used to track face and its features: lips, eyes, etc. Include it whenever you deal with tracking. See more about Face Tracking.
BNBLipsprovides neural network models for lips segmentation. See more about Lips Segmentation.
BNBHairprovides neural network models for hair segmentation. See more about Hair Segmentation.
BNBHandsprovides neural network models for hand, nail, and finger segmentation.
BNBOcclusionprovides the occlusion neural network. It is used to detect face collisions with different objects in the screen.
BNBEyesprovides neural network models for eyes segmentation. See more about Eye Segmentation.
BNBSkinprovides neural network models for skin segmentation. See more about Skin Segmentation.
BNBBackgroundprovides neural network models for background separation. See more about Background Separation.
BNBBodyprovides neural network model to recognize the human body in full and separate it from the background in images and videos.
BNBAcneEyebagsRemovalprovides neural network models for acne removal and eye bag removal.
BNBNeckprovides neural network models for neck segmentation.
BNBResourcesincludes all the resources of the all packages. Use it when you don't care about the size or you need all the features!
BanubaSdkdepends on the all the packages for the operation of all available features. Use it when you don't care about the size or you need all the features!