Interface Image

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Image
Base class, which represented basic image interface
  • Method Details

    • getName

      @NonNull String getName()
      image name (string)
    • getType

      @NonNull ImageType getType()
      image type. type of image subclass (enum, can be attachment, cubemap, segmentation_mask, texture, camera_texture, video, weighted_lut)
    • asAttachment

      @Nullable Attachment asAttachment()
      cast to attachment subclass. May throw.
    • asCubemap

      @Nullable Cubemap asCubemap()
      cast to cubemap subclass. May throw.
    • asSegmentationMask

      @Nullable SegmentationMask asSegmentationMask()
      cast to segmentation_mask subclass. May throw.
    • asTexture

      @Nullable Texture asTexture()
      cast to texture subclass. May throw.
    • asCameraTexture

      @Nullable CameraTexture asCameraTexture()
      cast to camera_texture subclass. May throw.
    • asVideo

      @Nullable Video asVideo()
      cast to video subclass. May throw.
    • asWeightedLut

      @Nullable WeightedLut asWeightedLut()
      cast to weighted_lut subclass. May throw.
    • asTextTexture

      @Nullable TextTexture asTextTexture()
      cast to text_texture subclass. May throw.
    • asProceduralTexture

      @Nullable ProceduralTexture asProceduralTexture()