Interface Recognizer

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Recognizer
  • Method Details

    • getFeature

      @Nullable Feature getFeature(@NonNull FeatureId feature)
    • setFeatures

      void setFeatures(@NonNull HashSet<FeatureId> features)
    • addFeature

      void addFeature(@Nullable Feature feature, @NonNull HashSet<FeatureId> dependencies)
    • removeFeature

      void removeFeature(@Nullable Feature feature)
    • setMaxFaces

      void setMaxFaces(int num)
      sets maximum allowed face results, if face tracking feature is present
    • setOfflineMode

      void setOfflineMode(boolean on)
    • setUseFutureFilter

      void setUseFutureFilter(boolean on)
      Set future frame filtrarion mode. Produce smoother recognition result (anti jitter), however adds inconsistency in push'ed/pop'ed frames (one frame lag) Applied only in push_camera_frame/pop_frame_data methods, when offline mode is disabled. Example: push frame 1 - pop frame 1, push frame 2 - pop frame 1, push frame 3 - pop frame 2, ...
    • setUseFutureInterpolate

      void setUseFutureInterpolate(boolean on)
      Set future frame interpolation mode. Produce faster recognition result (skip even frames), however adds inconsistency in push'ed/pop'ed frames (one frame lag) Applied only in push_camera_frame/pop_frame_data methods, when offline mode is disabled. Example: push frame 1 - pop frame 1, push frame 2 - pop frame 1, push frame 3 - pop frame 2, ...
    • process

      void process(@Nullable FrameData frameData)
    • pushCameraFrame

      void pushCameraFrame(@Nullable FrameData inputFrameData)
    • popFrameData

      boolean popFrameData(@Nullable FrameData outputFrameData)
    • start

      void start()
      start the recognizer
    • pause

      void pause()
      pause the recognizer
    • stop

      void stop()
      pause + clear
    • clear

      void clear()
      clear input and output buffers and pipeline state, also clean cached features
    • create

      @Nullable static Recognizer create(@NonNull RecognizerMode mode)
    • getFeatureId

      static long getFeatureId(@NonNull FeatureId feature)