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How to change feature parameters using scripting api

Since v1.6.1, Banuba SDK provides oportunity to change some feature parameters using scripting engine:

    bnb.scene.addFeatureParam(bnb.FeatureID.ID, [])

The first parameter is the feature id with type bnb.FeatureID. The second parameter is the Array of bnb.FeatureParameter. bnb.FeatureParameter is similiar to vector4 type and contains x,y,z,w fields.

List of all features with changing parameters

featuretype name
acne removalbnb.FeatureID.FACE_ACNE


Ring feature takes as input only first element of array were x is the id of selected finger. At the the moment feature supports 4 fingers:

  • Index - 0
  • Middle - 1
  • Ring - 2
  • Small - 3

Here is example of how to set middle finger:

  let middle_finger_id = 1;
let param = new bnb.FeatureParameter(middle_finger_id,0,0,0);
bnb.scene.addFeatureParam(bnb.FeatureID.RING, [param])

Nails Color

Nails feature takes 2 first elements of the array, where first parameter is the color, and the second is the gloss (optional, only first element of bnb.FeatureParameter for gloss is considered).


  let color =  new bnb.FeatureParameter(0,1,0,0);//Green color
let gloss = new bnb.FeatureParameter(50,0,0,0);//Gloss 50;
bnb.scene.addFeatureParam(bnb.FeatureID.NAILS, [color, gloss])

Acne Removal

Acne Removal feature takes first element of the array:

  • x - width of the surface
  • y - height of the surface
  • z - fit mode
    bnb.FeatureParameter(Width, Height, FitMode, 0)

Fit Mode is a number with specified indeces:

  • 0 - fit image on ui view by width
  • 1 - fit image on ui view by height
  • 2 - fit image inside ui view
  • 3 - fit image outside ui view

This parameter is important for manual selecting of acne positions using touches or clicks because your view size and image size can be different. All other elements of the array are acne rects in your ui view coodinate system.


  let uiWidth = bnb.scene.getSurfaceWidth(); //touch surface similiar to render surface
let uiHeight = bnb.scene.getSurfaceHeight(); //touch surface similiar to render surface
let fitMode = 1;// fit by height
let uiInfo = new bnb.FeatureParameter(uiWidth,uiHeight,fitMode,0);
let acneSize = 50;

let acneRect_1 = new bnb.FeatureParameter(400,500,acneSize,acneSize); //acne rect
let acneRect_2 = new bnb.FeatureParameter(250,250,acneSize,acneSize); //acne rect

bnb.scene.addFeatureParam(bnb.FeatureID.FACE_ACNE, [uiInfo, acneRect_1, acneRect_2])