Class FullImageData


public class FullImageData extends Object
Container for image data designed for Banuba SDK.
  • Constructor Details

    • FullImageData

      public FullImageData( image, FullImageData.Orientation orientation)
      A parametrized constructor for creating FullImageData instance from @p image with @p orientation.
      image - is a single complete image buffer(@see
      orientation - is the inner representation of orientation of FullImageData (@see Orientation)
    • FullImageData

      public FullImageData( image, FullImageData.Orientation orientation, ImageReleaser ir)
      A parametrized constructor for creating FullImageData instance from @p image with @p orientation and @p ir.
      image - is a single complete image buffer(@see
      orientation - is the inner representation of orientation of FullImageData (@see Orientation).
      ir - is an image releaser(@see ImageReleaser) which is responsible for correct closing of image.
    • FullImageData

      public FullImageData( image, FullImageData.Orientation orientation, ImageReleaser ir, ColorRange colorRange, ColorStd colorStd)
      A parametrized constructor for creating FullImageData instance from @p image with @p orientation, @p ir, @p colorRange and @p colorStd.
      image - is a single complete image buffer(@see
      orientation - is the inner representation of orientation of FullImageData (@see Orientation).
      ir - is an image releaser(@see ImageReleaser) which is responsible for correct closing of image.
      colorRange - is an enum value of color range (@see ColorRange).
      colorStd - is an enum value of ColorStd(@see ColorStd) which is responsible for color standard.
    • FullImageData

      public FullImageData(android.util.Size size, Buffer plane0, Buffer plane1, Buffer plane2, int rowStride0, int rowStride1, int rowStride2, int pixelStride0, int pixelStride1, int pixelStride2, FullImageData.Orientation orientation)
      A parametrized constructor for creating FullImageData instance from raw image information. Accepts both planar and biplanar (`plane2 = null`) YUV420 images.
      size - is a width and height of video in pixels (@see android.utils.Size).
      plane0 - is a buffer with data for a single image plane.
      plane1 - is a buffer with data for a single image plane.
      plane2 - is a buffer with data for a single image plane.
      rowStride0 - is a distance in bytes from the first value of one row of the @p plane0 to the first value of the next row.
      rowStride1 - is a distance in bytes from the first value of one row of the @p plane1 to the first value of the next row.
      rowStride2 - is a distance in bytes from the first value of one row of the @p plane2 to the first value of the next row.
      pixelStride0 - is a distance in bytes from the color channel of one pixel to the next for the @p plane0.
      pixelStride1 - is a distance in bytes from the color channel of one pixel to the next for the @p plane1.
      pixelStride2 - is a distance in bytes from the color channel of one pixel to the next for the @p plane2.
      orientation - is the inner representation of orientation of FullImageData (@see Orientation).
    • FullImageData

      public FullImageData(android.util.Size size, Buffer plane0, Buffer plane1, Buffer plane2, int rowStride0, int rowStride1, int rowStride2, int pixelStride0, int pixelStride1, int pixelStride2, FullImageData.Orientation orientation, ImageReleaser ir)
      A parametrized constructor for creating FullImageData instance from raw image information. Accepts both planar and biplanar (`plane2 = null`) YUV420 images.
      size - is a width and height of video in pixels (@see android.utils.Size).
      plane0 - is a buffer with data for a single image plane.
      plane1 - is a buffer with data for a single image plane.
      plane2 - is a buffer with data for a single image plane.
      rowStride0 - is a distance in bytes from the first value of one row of the @p plane0 to the first value of the next row.
      rowStride1 - is a distance in bytes from the first value of one row of the @p plane1 to the first value of the next row.
      rowStride2 - is a distance in bytes from the first value of one row of the @p plane2 to the first value of the next row.
      pixelStride0 - is a distance in bytes from the color channel of one pixel to the next for the @p plane0.
      pixelStride1 - is a distance in bytes from the color channel of one pixel to the next for the @p plane1.
      pixelStride2 - is a distance in bytes from the color channel of one pixel to the next for the @p plane2.
      orientation - is the inner representation of orientation of FullImageData (@see Orientation).
      ir - is an image releaser(@see ImageReleaser) which is responsible for correct closing of image.
    • FullImageData

      public FullImageData(android.util.Size size, Buffer plane0, Buffer plane1, Buffer plane2, int rowStride0, int rowStride1, int rowStride2, int pixelStride0, int pixelStride1, int pixelStride2, FullImageData.Orientation orientation, ImageReleaser ir, ColorRange colorRange, ColorStd colorStd)
      A parametrized constructor for creating FullImageData instance from raw image information. Accepts both planar and biplanar (`plane2 = null`) YUV420 images.
      size - is a width and height of video in pixels (@see android.utils.Size).
      plane0 - is a buffer with data for a single image plane.
      plane1 - is a buffer with data for a single image plane.
      plane2 - is a buffer with data for a single image plane.
      rowStride0 - is a distance in bytes from the first value of one row of the @p plane0 to the first value of the next row.
      rowStride1 - is a distance in bytes from the first value of one row of the @p plane1 to the first value of the next row.
      rowStride2 - is a distance in bytes from the first value of one row of the @p plane2 to the first value of the next row.
      pixelStride0 - is a distance in bytes from the color channel of one pixel to the next for the @p plane0.
      pixelStride1 - is a distance in bytes from the color channel of one pixel to the next for the @p plane1.
      pixelStride2 - is a distance in bytes from the color channel of one pixel to the next for the @p plane2.
      orientation - is the inner representation of orientation of FullImageData (@see Orientation).
      ir - is an image releaser(@see ImageReleaser) which is responsible for correct closing of image.
      colorRange - is an enum value of color range (@see ColorRange).
      colorStd - is an enum value of ColorStd(@see ColorStd) which is responsible for color standard.
    • FullImageData

      public FullImageData( image, FullImageData.Orientation orientation)
      A parametrized constructor for creating FullImageData instance from bitmap (@p image) and @p orientation.
      image - is a bitmap (@see, must be ARGB_8888.
      orientation - is the inner representation of orientation of FullImageData (@see Orientation).
    • FullImageData

      public FullImageData(Buffer image, android.util.Size size, int rowStride, FullImageData.Orientation orientation)
      A parametrized constructor for creating FullImageData instance from raw image information.
      image - is a pixel layout. Is identical to `Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888`.
      size - is a width and height of video in pixels (@see android.utils.Size).
      rowStride - is a distance in bytes from the first value of one row of the @p image to the first value of the next row.
      orientation - is the inner representation of orientation of FullImageData (@see Orientation).
  • Method Details

    • setImageReleaser

      public void setImageReleaser(ImageReleaser ir)
      Sets the image releaser for image (@see ImageReleaser).
    • getSize

      public android.util.Size getSize()
      Returns the size of the image, i.e. its width and height
    • getOrientation

      public FullImageData.Orientation getOrientation()
      Returns the orientation of the image.
    • getPixelFormat

      public int getPixelFormat()
      Returns the image pixel format.
    • getColorRange

      @Nullable public ColorRange getColorRange()
      Returns the image color range.
    • getColorStd

      @Nullable public ColorStd getColorStd()
      Returns the image color standard.