Interface InputManager

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface InputManager
Class to accepts touches from user. Key in each map is id of an event.
  • Method Details

    • onTouchesBegan

      void onTouchesBegan(@NonNull HashMap<Long,Touch> tocuhes)
    • onTouchesMoved

      void onTouchesMoved(@NonNull HashMap<Long,Touch> tocuhes)
    • onTouchesEnded

      void onTouchesEnded(@NonNull HashMap<Long,Touch> tocuhes)
    • onTouchesCancelled

      void onTouchesCancelled(@NonNull HashMap<Long,Touch> tocuhes)
    • onRotationGesture

      void onRotationGesture(float angle)
    • onScaleGesture

      void onScaleGesture(float scale)
    • onSwipeGesture

      void onSwipeGesture(float dirX, float dirY)
    • onDoubleTapGesture

      void onDoubleTapGesture(@NonNull Touch pos)
    • onLongTapGesture

      void onLongTapGesture(@NonNull Touch pos)
    • onGestureEnded

      void onGestureEnded(@NonNull String id)