Class SurfaceOutput

All Implemented Interfaces:
IOutput, Closeable, AutoCloseable

public class SurfaceOutput extends ViewOutput
Displaying the result of work Player on the surface
  • Constructor Details

    • SurfaceOutput

      public SurfaceOutput(android.view.SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder)
      Create a new instance of the SurfaceOutput
      surfaceHolder - any android view who can provide SurfaceHolder
  • Method Details

    • isSurfaceAvailable

      protected boolean isSurfaceAvailable()
      Check if surface is valid
      Specified by:
      isSurfaceAvailable in class ViewOutput
      true if surface holds a physical surface
    • createWindowSurface

      protected WindowSurface createWindowSurface(EglCore eglCore)
      Сreates a WindowSurface and attaches surface with given openGL state.
      Specified by:
      createWindowSurface in class ViewOutput
      eglCore - EGL state
      created WindowSurface
    • destroyWindowSurface

      protected void destroyWindowSurface(WindowSurface windowSurface)
      Destroys the given WindowSurface and detachs surface
      Specified by:
      destroyWindowSurface in class ViewOutput
      windowSurface - surface to be destroyed
    • getSurfaceFrame

      protected getSurfaceFrame()
      Retrieve the current size of the surface
      Specified by:
      getSurfaceFrame in class ViewOutput
      Rect the surface's dimensions