Banuba SDK
bnb::static_pool_allocator< T, MAX_ELEMENTS > Member List

This is the complete list of members for bnb::static_pool_allocator< T, MAX_ELEMENTS >, including all inherited members.

allocate(std::size_t n) (defined in bnb::static_pool_allocator< T, MAX_ELEMENTS >)bnb::static_pool_allocator< T, MAX_ELEMENTS >inline
allocate(std::size_t n, const std::nothrow_t &) noexcept (defined in bnb::static_pool_allocator< T, MAX_ELEMENTS >)bnb::static_pool_allocator< T, MAX_ELEMENTS >inline
deallocate(T *p, std::size_t n) (defined in bnb::static_pool_allocator< T, MAX_ELEMENTS >)bnb::static_pool_allocator< T, MAX_ELEMENTS >inline
is_mine(T *p) (defined in bnb::static_pool_allocator< T, MAX_ELEMENTS >)bnb::static_pool_allocator< T, MAX_ELEMENTS >inline
static_pool_allocator()=default (defined in bnb::static_pool_allocator< T, MAX_ELEMENTS >)bnb::static_pool_allocator< T, MAX_ELEMENTS >
static_pool_allocator(const static_pool_allocator< U, MAX_ELEMENTS > &u) noexcept (defined in bnb::static_pool_allocator< T, MAX_ELEMENTS >)bnb::static_pool_allocator< T, MAX_ELEMENTS >inlineexplicit
value_type typedef (defined in bnb::static_pool_allocator< T, MAX_ELEMENTS >)bnb::static_pool_allocator< T, MAX_ELEMENTS >